It is well known that marketing is a key factor for every business, be it big or small. However, it’s easy to think up revolutionary marketing ideas when you have millions to spend, the real question is how to find good and effective marketing ideas on a tight budget and still be able to outrank your competition? This may seem impossible at first, but with so many options when it comes marketing, it can be a lot easier than it sounds.

Start With A Plan

Even though having an inexhaustible budget may help, sinking money into random adds and ideas would be pointless if you don’t have a plan. The first and the most important thing is to define the goals and expectations you have for your company.

This is going to be something that you will constantly be coming back to as all of your marketing ideas should always work towards achieving the end goals of your business.

Secondly, when making a plan you must figure out your target audience through audience research. This will not only help you define your target audience but can also provide you with valuable data on what they want and need; this is useful information that you can put to use later on. Once you have these things figured out it’s time to find what methods best suit your needs and possibilities.

Social Media

Social Media Inexpensive Marketing Ideas

One of the biggest phenomena that is changing the very nature in which our society operates is social media. According to research, more than 2.5 billion people are on social media as of 2018, and projections are saying that number is going to substantially increase in the upcoming years.

However, it’s not just the fact that there are a lot of people on social media, it’s also that they are spending more of their free time on it. This is why it should come as no surprise that the big social media companies make most of their money from advertising revenue. And, while giving money to these companies may work for some, a much better and effective way to utilize social media marketing is through establishing an online presence. And the best part is that it is quite inexpensive, but it’s by no means easy.

Time, persistence and originality are the key factors that go into establishing your online presence and in order to make it work you need to always have these three things in mind. A big mistake people tend to make is to just spam their followers with hundreds of posts every day, and the only thing this is going to achieve is to make them stop following you or even worse, block you. That’s why you must be active but make sure that your posts have some meaning to them.

Give Away Free Stuff

Getting free things is always great, and turning this into a marketing strategy is something that companies have been doing for a long time. Whether it’s free pens, mugs or calendars, the idea remains the same. First of all, when you give someone something free, they are automatically going to develop positive feelings for you and your company. This can later lead to them telling their friends about you or just using these products on a daily basis which is bound to draw some eyes. 

The better the gift the more utility it will have for your marketing, but even though giving away expensive things can work, the idea should be to give something that has more meaning and utility that people will use like a prepaid visa card, a USB or even a power bank. Another good idea is to give away free samples. If people like what they see and are genuinely intrigued, they won’t hesitate to find out more about you and become potential customers.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing Inexpensive Marketing Ideas

Email marketing is another great and inexpensive way for small businesses to reach potential customers, but it is often overlooked. This is a huge waste of potential as email marketing has shown to be even more effective than marketing through social media.

Essentially, it’s all about delivering the right message to the right people. Build up an email list and slowly build relationships with your contacts that you will later be able to turn into customers. Email automatization is outmatched when it comes to making the most out of email marketing as it can help you save a lot of time and provide you with the help needed when generating your content.

Quality Is The Highest Priority

If you are considering giving any of these ideas a try something to keep in mind is that the one thing that is going to give you the biggest edge over your competition is quality. And this is true both for the quality of your products and services and for the quality of the content you are going to put out through your marketing, be it social media, emails or anything else. 

However, if you think that you are good at coming up with original and high-quality content than there is no reason to think twice about giving these ideas a chance as the benefits are limitless.

Keith is an Adelaide based business adviser with a degree in Media Management. Experienced in numerous small businesses and startups, he enjoys giving advice on all things business related.

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